Art4Giving made a donation to The Re-Entry Initiative (TRI), a non-profit that offers comprehensive services inside and outside prison walls to empower adults to lead fulfilling and crime-free lives within their community.

Founded in Boulder, CO, in late 2016, the Reentry Initiative has been recognized for its unique, evidence-based process supporting individuals who are reentering the community from incarceration. The essence of TRI’s reentry work is holistic one-on-one care management. With customized individual plans, TRI helps formerly incarcerated people successfully reintegrate society. TRI can assist with education, recovery, housing, or transportation.

TRI has also a community-based integrated wellness program. Services that have not historically been covered by insurance under behavioral health (i.e, yoga, gardening, nutrition education, music therapy, spiritual care, gym membership, acupuncture, and more) have been made available to individuals that have very few resources.

TRI’s vision is for formerly incarcerated adults to thrive in the community without re-offending. At 10%, TRI’s recidivism rate is much lower than the state of Colorado and national statistics.