Art4Giving donated to Kairos Prison Ministry, a national faith-based nonprofit that offers spiritual guidance and bible-based mentorship for prisoners and their families.

Created in 1976, Kairos Prison Ministry’s mission is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities. Kairos Prison Ministry is Christian in nature, although no religious affiliation is necessary to be a participant.

Kairos Prison Ministry in a few numbers:

  • More than 30,000 volunteers
  • Over 500 prisons and communities in 10 countries
  • Three million hours of service each year

Kairos reduces recidivism rates and helps create better, safer communities: Kairos says their programs have gained the respect of the correctional system. In a study of 505 inmates released from Florida prisons, the recidivism rate was 15.7% among those who had participated in one Kairos session, and 10% among those who had participated in two or more Kairos continuing ministry sessions. Kairos graduates are more likely to make positive life choices.