Art4Giving donated to nonprofit Getting Out and Staying Out, (GOSO). GOSO has established itself as one of the most effective reentry programs in the New York City area for 16 to 24 year-old men during and after their incarceration in New York prisons and jails.
“Two out of three guys who come to Rikers Island, come back to Rikers Island. This must stop.”
– Mark L. Goldsmith, Founder & CEO Emeritus, GOSO.
GOSO believes that the focus on career and education is the key to helping young men overcome obstacles in reentry and become productive members of society. GOSO’s approach to lowering recidivism is framed by Three E’s: Education, Employment, and Emotional Well-being.
GOSO seeks to help each of their participant by guiding them toward a challenging and rewarding career through education and training.
- 86% of GOSO participants stay out of prison or jail.
- 69% of GOSO participants placed in subsidized GOSOWorks internships achieve full-time employment upon completion.
- 71% of GOSO participants are engaged in work and/or school.